June 13, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Walt Waetjen at 7:00 P.M. at the Commons pavilion. Roll call was taken. Board members present:

Mick Benitez-Santana, Ed Curtis, Rick Izant , Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick and Walt Waetjen.

 Walt Waetjen Linda Palchick   Rick Izant  Mick Benitez-Santana 
 Bernie Mandel Ed Curtis      

Greg Poe, possible future WGCJRD trustee and Jason Abate were also present.

The minutes from the May meeting were presented. Rick Izant motioned to accept the minutes. Mick Benitez- Santana seconded. Vote was taken:

West G. Comm. Trustee  Vote:
Curtis, Ed  Yes 
Formicelli, Frank   
Gromek, John   
Izant, Rick  Yes 
Mandel, Bernie  Yes 
Palchick, Linda  Yes 
Santana, Mick Benitez  Yes
Waetjen, Walt Yes 

All in favor, motion passed.

The treasurer’s report for May 2018 was distributed by Treasurer, Ed Curtis. The May report showed: Ending checking balance: $19,335.09; total disbursements: $6,660.00; total deposits: $1,000.00; encumbered funds: $1,380.00. Mick Benitez-Santana motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken:

West G. Comm. Trustee  Vote:
Curtis, Ed  Yes 
Formicelli, Frank   
Gromek, John   
Izant, Rick  Yes 
Mandel, Bernie  Yes 
Palchick, Linda  Yes 
Santana, Mick Benitez  Yes
Waetjen, Walt Yes 

All in favor, motion carried.

Linda Palchick motioned to pay the following bill:

Annual rental for P.O. Box $96.00

Mick Benitez-Santana seconded. Vote was taken:

West G. Comm. Trustee  Vote:
Curtis, Ed  Yes 
Formicelli, Frank   
Gromek, John   
Izant, Rick  Yes 
Mandel, Bernie  Yes 
Palchick, Linda  Yes 
Santana, Mick Benitez  Yes
Waetjen, Walt Yes 

All in favor, motion carried.

Facilities - Linda Palchick

Spring soccer season for both West Geauga Soccer Club and West Geauga Rec Council youth programs were completed this past week-end. The only field use requested for this summer to date is for West Geauga Rec Council adult men’s league for Sunday evenings. There also have been 4 total requests for pavilion usage to date.

Maintenance - Jason Abate

Jason noted that they have weeded the beds throughout the Park. With the extremely wet spring and lack of help, Jason had not been able to fertilize the fields as had been planned. Everlawn will be fertilizing next week. Jason also replaced the broken toilet seat, changed the lock on the drive leading down to the baseball field to insure access for emergency vehicles and drug the grindings on the trail. Ed mentioned that mulch was needed around the pear trees. Jason said the large beds could also use mulch since it had not been done for several years. Walt asked that Jason work up a quote for that work. He also noted that the fence around the volleyball field seems to be working, keeping unwelcome vehicles off of it.

Old business:

WEB site - Mick Benitez-Santana reported that people seemed to be visiting our site more frequently. He also had inquired about adding the weather to our site, however it would cost $300.00 annually. He therefore felt that was unnecessary.

Playground - Rick Izant reported that he has yet to hear from Meyer Design regarding a starting date for work on the playground. To date we have received or have been guaranteed $6,150.00 toward the project. He has yet to hear back from Rotary, West Geauga Baseball Federation or West Geauga Rec Council regarding his letter requesting a donation toward the project. We will be making our payment for the work in three installments.

New business:

Linda Palchick received a call last week from a lady who stated that she and her dog were "attacked" when walking the trail by the volleyball court by 2 unleashed dogs. The owners (to her) seemed unconcerned and were very slow to respond to her calls for help. Linda told her to report this incident to the Russell Police Department, which she later did. Linda Palchick also spoke with Chief Carroll who sent a copy of a sign that Russell Police had developed for the Russell Headlands Park regarding the fact that it is an Ohio state law that dogs MUST be leashed. We do note this on the information board by the pavilion, however the print is small and most people do not stop and read it. Do we need to put a copy of the larger sign in the board and/or do we need to post larger signs around the Park noting the state law or both? Walt will talk to Chief Carroll regarding his thoughts.

Rick Izant motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 P.M. Ed Curtis seconded. Vote was taken:

West G. Comm. Trustee  Vote:
Curtis, Ed  Yes 
Formicelli, Frank   
Gromek, John   
Izant, Rick  Yes 
Mandel, Bernie  Yes 
Palchick, Linda  Yes 
Santana, Mick Benitez  Yes
Waetjen, Walt Yes 

All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________            __________________________        

Linda Palchick,secretary                                     Walt Waetjen, Chairperson


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